About 6 weeks ago, I awoke with an unsettled feeling, and a vivid picture of myself laying in front of a large machine of sorts, helpless and exposed to radiation. Later that morning I found that, due to the disastrous hurricane in Japan, nuclear reactors had left thousands of people unable to escape dangerous levels of chemical contamination in their own backyards. As I interceded for the Japanese people, with a friend, GOD filled me with HIS compassion. I considered the dream to be FROM HIM, and received the passionate empathy as a motivation to pray often for GOD's children across the globe.
However, all in the same week, a mole, which has decorated my right cheek from childhood, began to act up with pain and unusual growth. Not without a degree of foreboding, I saw a dermatologist, who "didn't like the look of it," and proceeded with removal. Of course, without biopsy or pathology reports, the doctor could not tell me what was going on; the waiting in these kind of situations seems interminable. I began to wonder if my DREAM about radiation exposure was a more personal "preparation." ??
I tried my best to wait and trust GOD for peace of mind, but often my flesh, with all it's anxious "what ifs?" got the best of me. One sleepless night I tossed and turned with worry. I asked myself, and GOD, questions like "what if I have cancer and don't get to see my children's children? or even their weddings? What if cancer metastasizes in my face, (like a good friend - who's funeral I attended last year) - and I have to die a painful ugly death in front of by dear family? I prayed for peace and for my kids and for many other people throughout the night, growing frustrated that sleep eluded me - as did GOD's peace. Near dawn I asked GOD to give me a vision to help me. This is the second time I had specifically asked for a vision, and I'm not sure WHY I did. But when I closed my eyes, sure enough - a vivid picture played before my mind's eye.
I saw a line of winged "soldiers" up on a cliff; they dove down in formation, like the flying monkeys from the wizard of Oz - intent on their mission. As the ANGELS (as they seemed to me) swooped down, behind that line was another 100 or so, and another behind them. Line after line of warriors flying to their battle. My first thought was "cancer" as I asked the LORD who or what are they attacking?? HIS answer came immediately to my thoughts, "They are coming after FEAR."
That was it - but the encounter left me with a profound sense of peace.. and I finally slept. Later that morning, while cleaning a part of my closet, I came upon the program from my friend's funeral - almost as if it were a test to my emotional and spiritual state. Song lyrics adorned the front: "Surely it is GOD who saves me, I will trust in him and not be afraid, for the LORD is my stronghold and my sure defense, and HE shall be my savior." I WASN'T afraid, not then and not for a moment again for the next 4 weeks, at which time I received wonderful news that mine was a benign mole with a ruptured cyst underneath it.
Throughout my weeks of waiting I received many prayers for healing and I felt some sensations, which leave me to believe, surely GOD was at work doing something in my cheek. Until my Face to Face w/ JESUS time, I won't know for sure all that happened, nor the exact purpose of my dream. However, this I know, without doubt's shadow, GOD is pleased when I seek recipricol friendship and communication with HIM. HE calls me to remain attentive, obedient and humble in my interactions with HIM, and in sharing my experiences with you all. If all of life isn't a fun experiment in learning to LOVE and relate to GOD and His other kids, maybe it's all just a dream.
Thanks for reading!