This morning, during the pre-service prayer time, five of us met with GOD, and asked HIM to continue to teach us how to tune into HIS "voice," so that we can keep learning to effectively minister HIS encouragement and love to each other, and to a hurting world outside the walls of our church.
Later, during the service, as I listened to my husband preach about the gift of apostleship, I was struck with the thought of how intimidatingly high the calling to, and the operating in this gift sounded. I wondered at how many people would find the idea of such a ministry personally applicable and relevant. Then, I an impression came to mind, (I thought it might be from the LORD, rather than a thought of my own) "If you allow me to root out your 'distractions' - I (GOD) will help you hear my calling on your life." I jotted this down on a the back of the bulletin, with a "?" and another little added prayer "Lord, give confirmation."
As the sermon ended, we (the congregation) waited, silently listening for a few minutes, to see what GOD wanted to do next; we've been working on developing this habit in our church - making ROOM for GOD to speak, move on people's hearts, give impressions, words, etc. to those HE would use to encourage and minister to others that morning. Simply and *Biblically defined, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, prophesy, tongues and interpretation of tongues have each come forth from lay members of our congregation over the past month. (*1Corinthians 12:7-11) Today, after our listening time, three different people spoke out various words of wisdom and encouragement they thought to be from GOD. My impression seemed "faint," and I wondered that it may have come from my own thoughts; I didn't share it.
The next step in our service is Rev Kev calling to the front a "prayer team," willing and able men and women who will minister to any who come forward to ask for prayer at the close of the service, usually during the final song (s). As I sang and waited at the front, facing the rest of the congregation, I prayed for them. The music ended and no-one had come.... a first in many weeks. I asked silently, "LORD, was I supposed to give my 'word' ? Did someone not come for ministry because of my silence? Do you want me to say it NOW - it's practically over at this point. " I pleaded with GOD "You know I'm 'dust' (in other words, "I'm only human -give me a break") "YOU, LORD, could be more clear - YOU could send somebody up here to tell me to give my word.." (I did, after all, write that prayer asking for confirmation)
No sooner had I prayed this (above) prayer, than a man from the congregation came down front, stood before me and said, "This is a bit weird, but - do you have a word for me? I kinda feel like you may have a word for me."
Ordinarily, this question would have unnerved me a bit, as I'm not highly gifted in prophetic words. However, in light of everything I just shared, I was able to confidently share that, yes, I believed I did have a piece of encouragement for him specifically. Picking up my scrap of paper I had carried down to the front with me, I read to him what I had written; he confirmed that it hit him as personally applicable, so Kevin and I got the opportunity to pray for him about it. GOD is good!!
I find the LORD to be continually patient, and more desiring than I, when it comes to answering my prayers for learning to tune into HIS "voice" and relate to HIM as a friend.