Monday, June 21st's W&T meditation is on Jesus' promise:
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
Reflecting on this oxy-moronian idea last week, I asked God to speak to me about it, and give me more understanding because I don't particularly like to mourn - and I didn't think I would feel very blessed (happy) to be doing so -. HE was faithful to me in HIS revealing and reminding. On Wednesday, I attended a funeral with a friend, and then spent the remainder of the week "mourning" with a few other dear sisters in Christ, who are experiencing the heart wrenching pain from the effects of a broken and depraved world. Systems are broken; people are broken; and the domino effect of the pervading pain overwhelms us to the point of not even knowing how to pray, except with sobs and groans. At least, this is what happens to me.
I loved our worship leader, Deej's, description/explanation, on Sunday, of the new song lyrics:
"Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss - "
(The Kingdom of our God breaking in to this world)
"my heart turns violently inside my chest - ..."
(Have you ever felt this upheaval..?)
"I don't have time to maintain these regrets....when.."
But, I'm getting ahead of myself, as my mind races faster than my fingers.
In this life, we will have trouble. Jesus knew this; HE warned us. (John 16:33) Jesus knew the excruciating pain this world would cause, and that we WOULD BE MOURNING - But as we do, His promise is that we'll be blessed by His comfort.
The song lyrics above brought to mind a painful, yet poignant, memory of losing my second baby - through miscarriage. As I sat and wept, the life, already precious to me, dying and draining from my body, I prayed for the reversal of circumstance. God refused to intervene in the way I wanted, but HE spoke into my pain. He spoke quietly, but clearly enough to be heard above my tears:
2 Kings 20:5 "I have heard your prayers and seen your tears. I will heal you"
God filled me with comfort, at that moment, that I couldn't have known outside of heartache. The blessing comes not so much in WHAT He says, but in THAT he speaks & touches and HOW He says it. That the GOD of the universe actually speaks into our circumstances, in and of itself, bring life, hope, peace - ....Blessing.
So, it IS true!:
"Those who sow in tears....
(and there is a way of "sowing in tears," like violently and desperately reaching up to heaven, grabbing a hold of the banqueting tablecloth and wrenching it for all you're worth.)
WILL reap with songs of joy..." ps 126:5
God's ability to restore life is way beyond our understanding.
"I don't have time to maintain these regrets...(back to song lyrics)
When I think about ... How HE loves me, O how HE loves me.."
Walk&Talk Questions:
1. Recall a time when you have mourned over a heartache. How did you mourn? What process did you go through? How did you "get over" it or through it?? What brought peace and healing?
2. Have you recognized the LORD's voice or presence, speaking or coming into your circumstances? or Have you experienced "heaven meeting earth like a sloppy wet kiss"?
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