July 19 Walk & Talk
As I sat down with my cup of mostly water-coffee, to pray though my morning Psalms, I read David's declaration:
"Give ear to my prayer
it does not rise from deceitful lips. --------forgive, LORD
though you probe my heart
and examine me at night,
though you test me, you will find nothing;
I have resolved that my mouth will not sin..."
and after David goes on about GOD's protection toward him, and salvation from his enemies, he concludes with...
"...And I, in righteousness,---------my righteousness
will see your face ------------------------is in You, Jesus
When I awake, I will be satisfied -but keep purifying me b/c seeing YOU
with seeing your likeness." --------is something I couldn't bear missing.
I then read my marginal remarks, which I've included (in blue)... sigh
I could just shut my Bible at this point, give up on my intercession, and think "why would GOD even listen to me" It's only 5:30 in the morning and I've already sinned a couple of times, by GOD's holy standards.
(picture Charlie Brown, throwing back his head, with a giant
"Good Grief!" protruding from his open mouth.) But then I remember this is David, my hero - humble worshipper, brave and good shepherd, God-fearing warrior, a man after GOD's own heart, receiver of the awesome covenant of Jesus......, jealous, covetous, lustful adulterer, cold blooded murderer... Oh - So, maybe he resolved that his mouth would not sin, but other parts of him sure did! "Mortal sins" too, to use a term from the Catholic tradition. These are sins that need confession before physical death or one can end up in hell straightaway. As opposed to "venial sins," lesser transgression like little "white lies" or exaggeration or lustful thoughts, for which one is not held as gravely responsible.
OK, SIN is SIN - a lie btw. oneself and a GOD who sees all. Yes, some sins (committed on the outside) have greater ramifications and potential to hurt oneself and other people. But the ultimate result of SIN is false or un-right relationship with JESUS; where there is suppose to be friendship and communion, there is a lie or a barrier. This is why if we want to SEE GOD, HEAR GOD, FEEL GOD, EXPERIENCE GOD in any way, purity of heart is required.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see GOD"
Heart Purity goes way beyond right speech and actions. "..out of the OVERFLOW of the heart, the mouth speaks.." and Jesus says "anyone who looks at a person lustfully has committed SIN already.." These invisible thoughts & motives never went unseen by Jesus, and the Holy Spirit living inside of us now, is quite aware. David also, I believe, was in touch with this knowledge. He wasn't in denial about his sinfulness, he just knew the merciful heart of God and understood forgiveness ahead of his time. How much more can we be sure:
"On the cross, when Jesus died
the wrath of GOD was satisfied
for all our sins, on HIM were laid
here in the death of Christ, I live."
A couple years ago now, at a Vineyard Conference after a holy time of heart melting worship, I wept over the hopelessness of my dusty condition. I was grieved at the thought that I would never be able to keep from falling into sin; either I would fall into deceptive or unwholesome speech or a myriad of other misdemeanors, OR, I would be doing rather well controlling my tongue and thought life only to sink just as deeply on the other side - judgement of others, self righteousness and pride. One set of sins equally as damaging as the other. I would never be able to walk the line perfectly...... sad.
Then GOD showed me a picture in my mind's eye which I often refer to: I saw myself walking a balance beam (4 inch piece of wood like gymnasts use) with a great chasm below. At first, I was very frightened, for the "fall" was immeasurably deep. Then Jesus showed me how he had put a harness on me and girded me "on belay" (much like a mountain repeller wears). HE had me held fast and safe, HE would keep me on the beam.
If I were a broken record, I would hope to scratch out this message over and over again: our RIGHTEOUSNESS is in CHRIST, our PURITY is dependent upon - "HIM who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before HIS glorious presence without fault..." Jude 1:24
Walk & Talk Questions for Monday, July 19
1. What do you think of when you hear the words "Pure in Heart?"
2. My Bible notes tell me that Purity's "clashing worldly value" is a belief that deception is acceptable. With this contrast in mind, how is a Christian expected to keep themselves "pure?" What do you think this would look like?
3. Is the above standard of purity, easy or difficul for you, personally?
4. How have you looked at different "Sins" ? Do you tend to catagorize one as worse than another?
5. How do you feel, personally, sins attoned for in your life? Is it easy to accept and feel forgiveness and "cleansing." Do you experience a sensation of Purity, as David is announcing in his Ps. ("...though you probe my heart, and examine me at night, (GOD), you will find nothing..")
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