"Pretend your bottom is super glued to you chair," I urged the children, hoping to restrain them from wildly chasing bubbles all over the room. I wanted them to just watch the beautiful rainbow spheres float gently for a few moments and then disappear.
Bubbles provided my object lesson for the way GOD speaks sometimes in a quiet whisper, very real and beautiful but brief in their impression upon us - . Sometimes THE GOD of the UNIVERSE speaks just this softly, in our thoughts, giving a momentary picture, phrase or idea, which after it's gone, if not acted upon or shared, can be easily dismissed and evaporate from all memory.
In HIS delight at us learning about following HIS voice, THE LORD demonstrated my point amazingly, in the week previous to my teaching. January 31 - a fifth Sunday - Oh joy, is celebrated at our church by a special worship service appropriately named "Fire by Night," after the way GOD's people were led through the desert in the time of Moses. Several congregations gather together to sing, pray, listen and practice all the gifts of GOD's SPIRIT. It was during a silence, in this service, that my bubble impression came gently to my mind's eye. I pictured a boy (near the back of the room; I didn't know this teen from another church) being struck, with a fist, across the jaw, and falling to the ground. After laying there several moments, he stood, faced his attacker and just looked at him - with eyes of love. I thought, the, "teen wants justice, but the LORD is saying -"mercy."" And I thought of the whole "turn the other cheek/love your enemy theme." But really, all this came to me in a moment - and since it didn't feel an altogether very "positive" word of encouragement, nor a very STRONG impression, I dismissed it.
The night progressed supernaturally, with many people coming forward with messages from GOD and leadings for ministry; prayer, worship and encouragement filled our small sanctuary. at least 45 minutes passed before GOD gave me another chance. This time, even more subtle than the first time, the same picture of the kid getting punched and "mercy" flashed across my brain. But this time, I thankfully remembered the lesson I would be teaching; how could I not act. Walking to the back of the room I contemplated how I might try to deliver this, possible, "message from GOD" in an uplifting way??? As I spoke to the teen, and his father standing beside him, I just laid it out there, what I saw and thought. I concluded with a weak, "Well, I hope this doesn't happen to you."
"Actually," the kid answered, "It already happened to me; It just happened to me." I tried not to look too dumbfounded.
Christopher, (as his name turned out to be) proceeded to tell me how at a baseball thing this kid had become angry with him and punched him hard across the face. Christopher fell to the floor and lay there for a few seconds, to angry to rise. When he did stand up, he just looked at the boy. Chris told me "It took everything in my power NOT to punch him back, but I didn't; I just looked at him till he walked away."
Oh, GOD, you are good. "Now I know why the LORD showed me this picture, Christopher," I told him. "HE wants you to know, and be encouraged, that HE is so very proud of you and pleased with you at the way you handled this situation." "You showed HIS mercy, in not striking back, and GOD is just so pleased."
Christopher and his father thanked me and we all thanked GOD - and I enjoyed sharing a cool example of a "bubble impression" with my Sunday school children. I wonder how many "GOD thoughts" we dismiss throughout the day, thinking they are just random snippets from our imagination. What kind of adventures might we encounter regularly, if we were constantly on the alert and "listening" to the quiet whisper of GOD?
I'm committed to writing as often as I can in this blog, over the next 12 weeks, sharing stories of how I've heard the LORD speak to me, personally in my life. I have a myriad of amazing adventures already to draw from. However, my hope is that I will pick up so many new ones weekly, and even daily, that I shall, if I continued for the rest of my life, never run out.
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