"And GOD led his people by a pillar of cloud by day
and by a pillar of fire by night..."
Exodus 13:20
Halfway through the service, Kevin, led by the Holy Spirit, encouraged us to consider the word and idea of MILITANCE in our spirituality. A discussion ensued. Following, I've shared some thoughts on the subject; may they be helpful and encouraging.
The first two thirds of the Bible is so filled with accounts of warfare, bloodshed and conquest that it's difficult to reconcile such violence with Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. I'm thankful to live under the New Covenant, ONE sacrifice - Jesus'. His blood is all that is needed.
Old Tetament military analogy teaches valuable lessons for our present post-New Testament lives. However, it's pertinent to any discussion on militancy, to hear Paul say
On the fifth Sunday of the month, our church celebrates a "Fire by Night" celebration, praising Jesus through singing, praying for one another and sharing the general goodness of GOD. This refreshing blessing of renewal and healing happens quarterly - and last night, Jan.29, we gathered again, anticipating GOD's presence. He showed up!
Halfway through the service, Kevin, led by the Holy Spirit, encouraged us to consider the word and idea of MILITANCE in our spirituality. A discussion ensued. Following, I've shared some thoughts on the subject; may they be helpful and encouraging.
The first two thirds of the Bible is so filled with accounts of warfare, bloodshed and conquest that it's difficult to reconcile such violence with Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. I'm thankful to live under the New Covenant, ONE sacrifice - Jesus'. His blood is all that is needed.
Old Tetament military analogy teaches valuable lessons for our present post-New Testament lives. However, it's pertinent to any discussion on militancy, to hear Paul say
"Our battle is not against flesh and blood (anymore,)
but rather, against principalities, powers, rulers, authorities -"
Ephesians 6: 12
Whether or not we recognize it, we struggle against demonic spiritual beings who present themselves in diabolical opposition against men and women. These spiritual enemies desire the downfall and destruction of human beings, much like the foreign nations who opposed God's chosen people of old. When I read about Moses leading Israel out of slavery in Egypt and Josuah taking possession of the "promised land," I envision a metaphor - GOD delivering me from my past life of godlessness and sin, and guiding me into a spacious freedom, a "new land." I see all the wicked idol - worshiping nations, who GOD drove out before HIS people, as an illustration of spiritual housekeeping, releasing me from my collection of enemies of a past life - SPIRITUAL enemies - pride, bitterness, hatred and the like, are exiled to the far reaches of the galaxy, so I can live in peace.
Don't mistake my understanding of Genesis to Malachi as simply metaphorical. Unlike my college Old Testament professor, with whom I passionately argued, I believe all the events of the Old Testament, even the miraculous and inexplicable stories, actually happened. So, I can stand on their historicity as well as learn from their principles. Many strategies, insights and courageous inspirations can be gleaned from the warfare theodicy of the Old Testament.
Don't mistake my understanding of Genesis to Malachi as simply metaphorical. Unlike my college Old Testament professor, with whom I passionately argued, I believe all the events of the Old Testament, even the miraculous and inexplicable stories, actually happened. So, I can stand on their historicity as well as learn from their principles. Many strategies, insights and courageous inspirations can be gleaned from the warfare theodicy of the Old Testament.
Understanding God's heart of Love extending to all nations, with our only mutual enemy being spiritual, invisible, but personal and often tangible, is pertinent to learning from warfare theodicy. To grow in, and live out, victoriously, spiritual warfare, we need to know that "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood." Though humans, under the influences of wicked spiritual beings, can orchestrate whole systems of malevolent intent. When this happens, the enemy seems larger, more human in origin. But he is neither.
What CAN we learn from Old Testament Militancy mentality??
1.) First of all, worship IS warfare. In 2 Chronicles, chapter 20, we see King Jehoshaphat appointing "men to sing to the LORD and to praise HIM for the splendor of His holiness," as they went out at the head of the army, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir, who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. GOD's children didn't even have to fight with sword, spear or bow. In Isaiah 30, we find the LORD's fury coming against prideful Assyria,
" The voice of the LORD will shatter ...,
with HIS scepter HE will strike them down.
Every stroke the LORD lays on them
with HIS punishing rod
will be to the music of tambourines and harps,
as HE fights them in battle with the blows of HIS arm."
The Psalms are full of worship as warfare examples. For instance, Ps. 149, which exhorts GOD's people to praise GOD with dancing, tambourine, harp and song, exclaims
"...may the high praises of GOD be in their mouths
and a double-edged sword in their hands
(possibly synonymous weapons),
to inflict vengeance ....and punishment....,
to bind their enemies with fetters, and with shackles of iron,
to carry out the sentence written against them. This," the psalmist reminds US,
"is the glory of ALL THE SAINTS."
I love this Psalm's reminder that the devil has a sentence WRITTEN AGAINST him already...
"Cursed are you (devil)..I (GOD) will put emnity
between you and the woman and her offspring.
He (mankind) will crush your head.."
Genesis 3:14
"..and the devil, who deceived them was thrown into
the lake of burning sulfur,....where he will be tormented
day and night for ever and ever"
Revelations 20:10
His fate is sealed; his time is short. When your enemy comes at you with shameful accuatsions, throw that in his face - and remember to worship.
Finally, Psalm 8, shows us that no-one is too young to join in the battle against GOD's enemy through worship,
"From the lips of children and infants
YOU have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger."
2.) Secondly, "Possessing the Land" is a privilege and a command to be enjoyed and obeyed completely.
Taking our "promised land" can be likened to coming into our full salvation when we decide to love and follow Jesus - complete with mind renewal, inner healing from past hurts, freedom from emotional baggage which burdened us upon entry, physical wellness...and the list goes on and on. Old patterns of thinking and worldly perspectives need to be broken down, like the walls of Jericho so "new construction" may readily spring forth...
One can study the idea of militancy and vigilance from the Egyptian Exodus to the Babylonian captivity (the length of Israel's freedom) - but for the sake of time and space, one passage will suffice to speak some powerful analogy.
Exodus 23: beginning at verse 20 GOD tells HIS people that His Angel will go before them and drive out the many peoples who live in the land HE is giving to them. The Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites, and Jebusites (I like to just refer to all these as the "ites") will all "turn their backs and run" as GOD's people worship HIM and follow what HE says. In addition to this housecleaning help, the LORD promises,
"Worship the LORD your GOD
and HIS blessing will be on you food and water.
I (God) will take away sickness from among you
and none will miscarry or be barren in your land.
I will give you a full life span."
In verse 29, we are told,
"I will not drive them (the "ites") out in a single year,
because the land would become desolate
and the wild animals too numerous for you.
Little by little I will drive them out before you,
until you have increased enough
to take possession of the land."
How many times, in your walk with Jesus, have you wished that ALL your baggage, (insecurities, fears, doubts, chips on your shoulder, etc.) could just be wiped away at once - like maybe back when you first came to the LORD? And you could just quickly get on with living in freedom and serving and teaching/helping others - all those great purposes HE has for you - unencumbered by sin and it's many forms of residue.
Surly GOD is not slow in keeping HIS promises to us. Here, HE illustrates HIS "One-issue-at-a-time" plan for destruction and reconstruction, or deprogramming and reprogramming in our lives. After 20 years of living in this spiritually contaminated world, it's not uncommon to have collected legions of deceptive patterns of speech and actions, clouded perspective, deep wounds and debilitating scars - all packed quite safely in our heart. Add to this, destructive generational beliefs and sins, carried with us from conception, some unrecognized yet still wielding cutting power in our thinking. The crux of the cleansing problem often lies in the false protection and comfort we tend to feel from these less-than-ideal ideas. It isn't difficult to see why instant removal of all the old junk may not win us everlasting peace and freedom. As we continue to seek GOD and worship HIM, we will find HIM shining HIS light on one issue at a time, little by little removing our enemy enigmas.
One last insight from this Exodus passage can be found in verse 32, where Israel is warned (this warning is repeated numerous times)
"I will establish your borders.... I will hand over to you
the people who live in the land
and you will drive them out before you.
DO NOT make a covenant with them or with their gods.
DO NOT let them live in your land,
or they will cause you to sin against me,
because the worship of their gods will
certainly be a snare to you."
This is pretty tough, but clear. When Jesus shines HIS light on the next "issue" HE wants to deal with in our lives, we are exhorted to allow HIM to drive it out - without compromise. In the book of Joshua, great stories of conquest for Israel are recorded. What can also be seen is GOD's chosen people failing to seek HIM for guidance, making mistakes, making covenants with the "ites" and allowing them to live in their land. We get a glimpse, even vicariously experience, how GOD's mercy mingles with HIS judgement, as Israel continues to be snared, to fail and eventually to fall back into captivity.
Our chances for acquisition of the land and happily dwelling therein are MUCH BETTER than that of our ancient forefathers. Good news!!, because we live after Jesus's sacrifice and resurrection! However, these favorable odds don't diminish the importance of vigilance and militancy in our walk with Jesus.
I have been so irritated with blogger in this post - it won't let me use color and keeps messing up my tabs - but I finally decided to post it "as is"
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