In his teaching on The Gift of Prophecy last week, Nathaniel explained how GOD speaks to each one of us in a language especially personally and understandable. Knowing how we individually operate, what we think about and dwell on, HOLY SPIRIT (I use these three, GOD, JESUS and HS, interchangebly, understanding them as one and the same) - can interject thoughts into our mind right before we read a highway billboard, give someone else a significant picture from our childhood to share with us, just as HE is reminding us about a truth that corresponds to the image, cause a car to hover in front of ours until we notice the "PS37 18" licence plate in front of us, commit to looking it up to find the Biblical verse directly answering the cry of our heart just minutes before. All three of these examples have actually happened to me over the years, strengthening my non-belief in coincidence.
Sunday morning, again, left me smiling with gratitude that we are not left alone in prayer, to praise and petition a silent or distant God who refuses to reciprocate our communication. In reality, HE initiates - GOD put thoughts in our minds and hearts as we began to listen that morning. After waiting in silence, several people asked GOD to give us eyes to see the needs of HIS children and to see what HE was doing in their hearts. During the waiting, I had seen a picture, in my mind, of two eyes on the same face, but looking in opposite directions - out to either side. Then, in my mind's image, hands came and turned the eyes back to front facing, training them straight ahead. This repeated again and again. Then I saw those black patches by the eyes, the kind they put on horses so they don't get spooked by bicycles and such. As I saw this vision during the silent listening time, I felt GOD was wanting me to ask HIM to focus and train our eyes away from ourselves and our circumstances, and look to HIM only - HIS Glory, HIS Presence, HIS Peace.
So, as others began to pray for EYES to see, I rejoiced to join them, and felt that in this theme, GOD was leading. One man, arriving late, spoke up in prayer, rather tentatively. "Lord, I am hearing some things this morning that seem a bit strange, but, out of obedience, I will speak them out - Give Kevin (our pastor) a servant's heart and a shepherd's voice this morning" I confirmed later that this man had no idea that the theme of Kevin's sermon was "the gift of Pastors - the servant shepherd."
After his sermon, Kevin's practice has become, taking a few minutes of silence to listen for Holy Spirit's direction in ministry. During this time, GOD spoke to Matt, who had not been with us in the pre-service prayer. He shared that he believed the the LORD wanted to speak to us about our EYES; He wanted to show us where and to whom He is ministering so we can move with Him. I spoke up then, too, encouraging him in his "hearing;" thematically, this was surely something GOD wanted to speak to his "sheep" that morning.
I know JESUS was at work in many people that morning, speaking personal words of encouragement in our individual "languages," but I'll mention just one more, as it's a first hand account. During the sermon Kevin had shared a personal story about his time as a camp counselor back in college, at which time he thought "This is what I was made for" - shepherding people. That phrase jumped out at me, as Kevin spoke it, and I had the sense that GOD wanted to minister to someone in the room for which that statement caused a "stir" in their spirit. So I had written in down and circled it, so I didn't forget to share it later. After the listening time I did share what I felt GOD was saying for someone, and then, as Kevin and I were waiting at the front for anyone who wanted prayer, a man approached us. He confirmed that all I had spoken was exactly what he was thinking and feeling, when Kevin shared his story and "this is what I was made for.." phrase. GOD continued to encourage this friend, as we prayed for him, giving us pictures and words that spoke to his heart.
It strikes me that THIS is what we were all made for, to be in relationship with the ONE who created us, to help each other understand the eccentricities of HIS voice to see what HE sees and partner with HIM in what He's doing in this world.
can anyone tell me why I can no longer put color in my blogs??