Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Collection of  Treasures

....a hopefully not too-long-winded introduction

It's comforting to carry a history of a "love language" with GOD, The Lord of Hosts, to feel truly known.  To have adored Him, walked with Him, sat at His feet for an accumulating number of have listened to His voice, known His laughter, shared His tears, read His Word, received His visions and soaked in His illustrative prophetic metaphors, are all encouraging experiences I share with my Holy Savior.  We have a history together, much like a sister who I grew up with, and now am playing "Taboo" with, and we are on the same wave-length, calling to mind random connections from past adventures and childhood memories, of which others would have no knowledge.  I can't exactly, or even remotely, read His mind (unless He wants me to ) but Jesus certainly knows me to the very depth of my existence.

My college daughter interviewed me for a Psychology paper she was writing on the experience of faith.  One of her questions asked me to give the reasons I believe God's existence is verifiable.  After expounding somewhat clumsily on the trustworthiness and historicity of my favorite non-fiction novel, The Bible, and pointing out the vast expanse and beauty of our meticulously ordered universe, I quoted an age-old adage.  "A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument."  

I've experienced God's reciprocal friendship 1st hand.  I've seen Him in the stunning beauty of His creation, in the miracle of His healing, in the instantaneous effective change He's brought to my mindset or perspective, in the demonstration of His love in answering prayers, and in His patience in training me to hear HIS voice.  I told my daughter that I could more easily be convinced my big toe was actually made of rubber than I could be persuaded into believing God is merely some embellishment of my imagination.  The culmination and sum of a million "coincidences" equals the existence of GOD.

The language with which Yahweh speaks to us is personal, built upon our communication throughout the years, as with any friend - l guess.  For me, my brokeness, and the way I've responded to it, and process through it, are the very origins and motivators for these "communications."  When we are in our darkest trenches and most sorrowful valleys, we cry out - and HE answers.  Not that I livin the "valley of the shadow of death.." or anything, but I tend to be one who intensely feels the deficits of dwelling in the "lower regions" (ie: earth, as apposed to my eternal home.)  I am the broken pot calling out to the Potter, "...please!,... throw me again, this leaky thing's not holding water, and the sharp edges are cutting me left and right."  

Think of hurting times when you've called to Yahweh.  What did you cry out?  How did GOD respond?  What did HE say?  What did HE do?  When you recall it, write it down, draw a picture of it, build a rock sculpture commemorating it, or write a little poem, or song expounding on it.  This is what Jacob/Israel, Miriam and David - from the Bible, would do.  Remember and treasure the words GOD intimates to you.  They're a big deal!  Chances are He'll be repeating them, and building on them. 

If you cried out, and He didn't respond in any way, ask yourself these questions:  Was I asking Him a specific question, or just whining?  Did I expect Him to answer?  Did I wait for a response, give it time? Did I continue to look, listen, even smell - attentively? Yahweh loves using all the wonderfully acute senses He's given us, and His all-encompassing, and even comical, creativity to communicate with us.  If you can commiserate with me in bemoaning the deficits of living in the the "low-lands," then cry out again, in voice, or writing - an WAIT on THE LORD for a response.

Deserving a paragraph all of it's own is this bit of vital advice:  READ GOD's WORD  -  Yep, .. THE BIBLE ...  READ IT!  Though often Yahweh will direct you to specific sections of His illustrious book, or highlight particularly pertinent passages, reading The Bible diligently and daily, is a discipline that gives life and dispels lies.  God's written WORD is one of the most mysterious enigmas in existence.  Though seemingly only a book of printed ink on paper, when read aloud, the WORD of GOD is actually ALIVE, not as in "organic," but "alive" as in powerful to effect change.  When spoken out into the atmosphere, the WORD of GOD can affect change in the very cells of our body and authorize transformation to the furthest corners of the earth.  Activating and guiding our faith-seeking, God attending life, The Bible stands as our essential starting point to developing a "love language" history with The LORD.

I've compiled a long list of treasured "words" Jesus has spoken to me, and each one has a story.  My hope and plan is to take these, one at a time, and relay the brief personal truths Yahweh revealed to me, as I cried out.  My prayer is that these narratives, while helping me to remember and record my Savior's messages to me - even our shared "love language," will encourage and inspire you to call out to Jesus often, become more attentively aware of His answers, and begin a treasured communication collection of your own.   

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