Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the productivity parodox

10 years ago GOD called me away; actually, HE'd been calling me for a lot longer than that, but at this time it was HIS loving rebuke which finally compelled me to action. As far back as junior high, my immobilizing "vice," used to combat stress, anger and other undesirable emotions, was sleep. On through college and into adult/family-hood, when life expectations overwhelmed me - I ran for a nap. I was fastidious about the hours of rem I received every night - waking in the morning to look at my clock and quickly calculating the hours. If my rest didn't add up to 8 hours of shut-eye, anger and self pity built, beginning an irritating day, the nagging thought "it wasn't enough" following me around like a drizzely rain cloud.

One morning, upon waking to my normal "inventory taking," out of the blue, God put in my mind a scripture passage which I had not looked at in a long time. Turning to 1 Chronicles 21:1, I read a story about Satan inciting King David to number his armies, which angered the LORD. God sternly spoke to my spirit, informing me that this was exactly what I was doing in my calculating hours of sleep. Ps. 33:16-18 reminds us.....

"No king (or busy homeschooling mom) is saved by the size of his army (or her hours rem);
no warrior escapes by his great strength.

A horse is vain hope for deliverance (and adequate sleep won't insure peace and joy)
despite all it's great strength it cannot save
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear HIM, (true rest is from HIM)
On those whose hope is in HIS unfailing love.... "

I responded incrementally but completely, praying often another Ps., 32 -

"Oh LORD, remember David
and all the hardships he endured.
He swore an oath to the LORD
and made a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob;
"I will not enter my house
or go to my bed -
I will allow no sleep to my eyes.
no slumber to my eyelids,
till I find a place for the LORD
a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob."

...and asking GOD for a place in my life for HIM. He gave me from 5:00 to 7:00 a.m. for His resting place. For the last 9 years, I've thrived on far less sleep; but life has been much less "survival," than a rich feast of refreshing REST from the LORD. During these hours, I waste time with HIM - soaking in HIS revelation, perspective and peace. The strength and wisdom this time in HIS presence has continually fueled could not be rivaled by a lifetime of 8 hour nights of sound sleep. In times of busyness, stress and sorrow, this appointment with JESUS has been, to my spirit, a well of cool water in the driest of deserts. Some days, when I've gotten to bed late or my bed feels particularly warm and the temptation to go back to sleep pulls hard, I do think of my early hours as an APPOINTMENT with HIM - "What might I miss if I stay in bed?, I force myself to ask. Surely the loss would be mine.

I often go out to a 24 hour coffee shop, just down the street, where over the years, I've become part of the furniture from 5-7 in the morning. Many "regulars;" business men and women, homeless who sleep sitting up at the tables through the cold nights, fellow eccentric early risers like myself and MSU and LCC students who haven't yet made it to bed, have become my friends and warm acquaintances. Every once and a while when I'm planning to speak or teach, I have brought my son's laptop computer, and someone will inevitably comment on how "I'm becoming productive." I've just smiled and joked about their perspective on "productivity," arguing that simply spending time with Jesus, reading HIS word, listening to HIS voice, journaling what HE says, etc... is more productive than they may think. Interesting facial expressions always follow a remark like that, and sometimes rich conversations ensue.

I began reflecting on my 9+ years of wasting mornings with GOD on Monday, as I spent the afternoon with a missionary to Hong Kong, home on furlough. She inspired me immensely as she spoke of how she was spending her few months back in the states; she has a lot of "free time" right now, and has chosen to daily ask GOD how HE wants her to spend it. She prays and fasts and reads HIS word, and worships with guitar and singing - and she "soaks" in HIS presence, and just sits quietly with HIM for hours, listening and simply being. A self proclaimed "doer" by nature, this lovely girl, who exudes peace and contentment, shared with me a profound truth JESUS has revealed to her during this time home. HE assured her that her view of productivity and HIS are quite different. HE promised her that every moment they spend time together, HE IS DOING A WORK in her, whether or not she knows what that is or even feels it happening. When she is resting in HIS presence, THIS IS the most productive time in her walk with JESUS.

Her words resonate with my spirit, because I have felt the reservior of truth and life well up in me and produce streams of living water.

"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said,
streams of living water will flow form within him" - JESUS

God is very paradoxical, really. I mean, loving your enemies and loosing you life to gain it and using the weak things of the world to shame the strong are just a few of HIS "backward" ideas. So, it's not so surprising that GOD's idea of "productivity" is most people's idea of in-activity. I'm headed to Florida in couple of weeks and looking forward to some slow down time - in a new way than I have before. For the past couple of days I've had this song running through my head. I only can think of one line, unfortunately - but it's a good one:

"..just sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time...."

Blessings ~

1 comment:

  1. BethAnn, I just happened across your blog this morning and my soul is encouraged. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they were just what I needed to hear. I hope and pray you and Kevin are well and thriving.

    Jen Pazdur (Zeerip) - from way back at the Holland Vineyard. You only had Elliot then I think.
